Visual Correspondence Hallucination
H. Germain, V. Lepetit and G.Bourmaud, ICLR, 2022
[paper+supp.mat] [code]
Neural Reprojection Error: Merging Feature Learning and Camera Pose Estimation
H. Germain, V. Lepetit and G.Bourmaud, CVPR, 2021
[paper+supp.mat] [code]
S2DNet: Learning Image Features for Accurate Sparse-to-Dense Matching
H. Germain, G.Bourmaud and V. Lepetit, ECCV, 2020
[paper] [supp. mat.] [spotlight] [code]
Pareto Meets Huber: Efficiently Avoiding Poor Minima in Robust Estimation
C. Zach and G.Bourmaud, ICCV, 2019
[paper] [supp. mat.] [poster]
Sparse-to-Dense Hypercolumn Matching for Long-Term Visual Localization
H. Germain, G.Bourmaud and V. Lepetit, 3DV, 2019
[paper] [supp. mat.] [poster] [code]
Descending, lifting or smoothing: Secrets of robust cost optimization
C. Zach and G.Bourmaud, ECCV, 2018
[paper] [supp. mat.] [poster]
Multiplicative vs. Additive Half-Quadratic Minimization for Robust Cost Optimization
C. Zach and G.Bourmaud, BMVC, 2018
[paper] [poster]
Iterated Lifting for Robust Cost Optimization
C. Zach and G.Bourmaud, BMVC, 2017
[paper] [supp. mat.] [poster]
Online Variational Bayesian Motion Averaging
G.Bourmaud, ECCV, 2016
[paper] [supp. mat.] [spotlight] [poster] [video]
From Intrinsic Optimization to Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering on Lie Groups
G.Bourmaud, R.Megret, A.Giremus, Y.Berthoumieu, JMIV, 2016
[paper] [Matlab code]
Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter on Matrix Lie Groups Using Concentrated Gaussian Distributions
G.Bourmaud, M.Arnaudon, R.Megret, A.Giremus, JMIV, 2015
[paper] [Matlab code]
Robust Wearable Camera Localization as a Target Tracking Problem on SE(3)
G.Bourmaud and A.Giremus, BMVC, 2015
[paper] [supp. mat.] [video]
Robust Large Scale Monocular Visual SLAM
G.Bourmaud and Y.Berthoumieu, CVPR, 2015
[paper] [supp. mat.] [Matlab code] [video]
Global Motion Estimation from Relative Measurements in the Presence of Outliers
G.Bourmaud, R.Megret, A.Giremus and Y.Berthoumieu, ACCV, 2014
[paper] [supp. mat.] [Matlab code]
Global Motion Estimation from Relative Measurements using Iterated Extended Kalman Filter on Matrix Lie Groups
G.Bourmaud, R.Megret, A.Giremus and Y.Berthoumieu, ICIP, 2014
Discrete Extended Kalman Filter on Lie Groups
G.Bourmaud, R.Megret, A.Giremus and Y.Berthoumieu, EUSIPCO, 2013
Parameter estimation on Lie groups: Application to mapping and localization from a monocular camera
G.Bourmaud, Ph.D. dissertation (in french), University of Bordeaux, Nov. 2015